It’s Ok Not To Be Ok
It’s Ok not to be Ok. Jessie J blurted out those words on the day we wrote “Who You Are.” Truth be told, I wasn’t sure about that line. But now, I’m glad she said it. Because I need it. A lot of us are not Ok. And it’s become a mantra.

When we write things down we’re more invested in them compared to when we record a digital voice memo. Napkins (and receipts and the like) are physical. They have energy. We find them the next day in the bottom of purses and pockets. The words become lyrics. Lyrics become songs. Songs have lives of their own. Some die a quick death. Some live long and prosper. Today, I give you “Human” 2.0, a song I started on a napkin in a ladies room; made famous by The Pretenders 20 years ago.